Warren Buffett Recommends You Read "Keeping At It"

During an annual shareholders meeting on May 2, 2020, legendary investor Warren Buffett recommended two must-read books for investors and non-investors alike: The Great Crash by John Kenneth Galbraith and Keeping At It: The Quest for Sound Money and Good Government by Paul Volcker.
“Not much before [Paul Volcker] died, he wrote a book called Keeping At It,” Buffett said. “I think you’ll enjoy reading that book.”
Co-authored by Christine Harper, editor of Bloomberg Markets, Keeping At It provides a timeline of Mr. Volcker’s life in the public service. Mr. Volcker published his memoir in 2018, at the age of 91. Mr. Volcker's narrative details the crises he managed alongside the world’s leading politicians, bankers, and financiers and makes the case for his “three verities” of stable prices, sound finance, and good government. The Wall Street Journal described the memoir as "part autobiography, part monetary history, part plea for the restoration of trust in American political institutions."
“Paul Volcker was a giant in many ways,” said Buffett with a chuckle, referring both to Mr. Volcker's 6-foot-7-inch stature and his historic public service impact.
“I’ve always had Paul Volcker up on a special place, special pedestal in terms of Federal Reserve chairmen over the years. We’ve had a lot of very good Fed chairmen, but Paul Volcker, I had him at the top of the list,” Buffett said.
Keeping At It is available for purchase from all major retailers.