Tackling the Challenges Facing State and Local Governments

The Alliance recently held two events that convened experts and leaders to discuss the potential solutions to the challenges that are top of mind for state and local governments: workforce needs and budgeting.
On January 31, the Alliance moderated a discussion with state and local government partners around the country on talent needs in small and mid-sized governments. Representatives from the Local Government Center at Montana State and the Triangle J Council of Governments in North Carolina presented promising collaborative workforce development strategies. The recording is available here.
On February 16, the Volcker Alliance and Penn Institute for Urban Research hosted an online Special Briefing on state and local budgets in uncertain times. The panel of experts included Shelby Kerns, NASBO; Eric Kim, Fitch Ratings; Lauren Larson, Colorado Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting; and Gabe Petek, California Legislative Analyst's Office.
This recording of the Special Briefing podcast will be available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, and more this week.